Samba Whisk
The Samba Whisk is Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, and movement, technique; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
There are 2 styles of Whisks:
Whisk Style 1 - bigger figure 8 hip movement
Closed Position, use bounce action.
Alignments: Facing Wall, or other alignments can be used.
1: LF to side | BF
Whisk to Left
a: RF behind LF w/o weight (cuban cross) | T (pressure)
2: take minimal weight to RF and replace weight to LF | BF
1: RF to side | BF
Whisk to Right
a: LF behind RF w/o weight (cuban cross) | T (pressure)
2: take minimal weight to LF and replace weight to RF | BF
1: RF to side | BF
Should end "1" on counter promenade position (body turns less, hip turns 1/8 more).
Rib cage is to the right, L hip left behind, lifted, squeeze L side, L hip up high, and L leg is elongated to create long leg line.
Always hold on "1" for 3/4 beat. until the "a" count to move LF. Do not release LF early.
a: LF behind RF w/o weight (cuban cross) | T (pressure)
Hip continue to do figure 8: send hip to right and forward and then back
LF to cuban cross position behind RF, do not step too big, L hip figure 8 action
Alternatively, lady can do underarm turn to R. See note below.
2: take minimal weight to LF and replace weight to RF | BF
at end of "2", flexed R knee; keep legs tight; hip finish one figure 8. and start moving the opposite direction.
1: LF to side | BF
Alternatively, lady can do underarm turn to L, which is a slower turn than turning to R (Lady is already in CPP.) See note below.
a: RF behind LF w/o weight (cuban cross) | T (pressure)
2: take minimal weight to RF and replace weight to LF | BF
Whisk Style 2 - bigger bounce action
Using Lady's steps as example:
1: RF to side | BF
Starting position: cuban cross position (RF cross behind LF), both knees bent, L hip higher.
From previous beat "&":
"&a": Prepare: start rising, straightening knee, while rotating L hip to L (more to L side, do not over rotate to back, hips are in more neutral position at this time),
The action makes R leg goes to side, straight R leg, no weight (weight is still on LF), both heels are up. Do not stick butt out back. Keep toes on floor (not in the air during the movement.)
1", weight switch to RF, compress tummy, both knees bent forward, knees more forward and free. bigger bounce action.
Neck/shoulder are free, relaxed, not held stiff
Next "&: start rising
a: LF behind RF w/o weight (cuban cross) | T (pressure)
LF cuban cross behind RF, do not step too big, do not step too big. or too far behind, both heels up, L hip figure 8 action, finish L hip to back.
2: take minimal weight to LF and replace weight to RF | BF
at end of "2", flex R knee; heels lower, hip finish one figure 8. and start moving the opposite direction.
1: LF to side | BF
a: RF behind LF w/o weight (cuban cross) | T (pressure)
2: take minimal weight to RF and replace weight to LF | BF
Whisk (in all dances) is used to change position. So you want to go to counter promenade position on one side, and promenade position on the other side.
Lady's Underarm Turn to R: While Man does whisk to L, lady can do underarm turn to R: use the rise of the first step to make the turn:
slow turn: "and": turn 1/4 to R, "a 2": turn 3/4 to R
sharp turn:
Focus head/eyes at Man, spot, turn shoulder to R first, then sharp turn, leg follow. Head is straight up (don't do shape as in Standard).
RF almost stays same place. Ending RF cross in front of LF, knees tucked.
By "a", should already finish the turn, face partner, do not under turn.
Lady's Underarm Turn to L: While Man does whisk to R, Lady can do underarm turn to L when stepping LF to side.
When Man raises the arm, start turning to L, shape upper body to L and back, stretch R side, head looking to left, turn 1/4 to L, LF is a fwd step.
Keep turning, RF press floor (after turning another 1/4 L, RF fwd, away from Man, then continue 1/2 to L to turn to face partner), regain normal shaping. Slide LF cross in front of RF, knees tucked.
Preceding Figures for Whisk to Left
Following Figures for Whisk to Left
Argentine Crosses (commenced with RF)