Choker, Ronde and Underarm Pass
West Coast Swing Choker, Ronde
Start with double hand hold.
1: RF fwd, prancing, starting with body turning slightly L with RF fwd, Prancing is with same side lead. opening opposite hip.
2: LF fwd, body turning R with LF fwd
3&4: 3-step L turn, keeping going down the slot fwd,
3: RF fwd, R arm goes down, leave L arm around shoulder. 1/2 turn, then keep turning
&: LF fwd, complete the full turn now.
4: RF fwd down slot, R arm down, L arm around neck. "choker", bend into R knee, at end of "4", pivot to R to face Man.
5: after turning body to R, LF back and ronde R leg. Arm: "give" to Man, collect center in, do not pull Man or lean back. Head shape slightly to L (not R)
6: RF crosses behind LF; extend R side rib cage and R arm to prepare pass, slightly tilted.
7: LF fwd, start turning left under the arm, R side lifted during turn
8: RF fwd and turning left to face Man. At the end, level off rib cage.
9&10: anchor step
Single Lady's RH to Man's LH handhold, Lady's LF Ronde Variation: ("loosey-goosey feeling")
12 3&4: same as above, ending RF fwd, (R arm straight down to side)
Lady's R arm: could be kept in bent position or straight, do not over turn which will hurt.
5: LF ronde, drawing a big circle on ground, do not turn face to Man too early.
6: LF collect next to RF and switch weight. Turn head to face Man at the end of 6.
12: Sugar Push
Snap, point variation: Man leads a bit snappy, not loosey goosey
12 3&4: same as above, ending RF fwd, (R arm straight down to side)
5: LF collect, turning on RF, and point LF out to side, (this does not have ronde)
6: LF collect next to RF and switch weight. Turn head to face Man at the end of 6.
12: Sugar Push