Change of Places Right to Left

Jive Change of Places Right to Left

The Change of Places Right to Left is a Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, movement, a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.

Start in Closed Position.


  • QQ: 1-2 of Fallaway Rock LR | 1/8 to L on 1, No turn on 2

    • Other Fallaway variations are ok too.

  • QaQ: LF diag fwd to chasse LRL

    • turn lady to L over 3-4.

    • Start to turn lady to R on 5.

  • QaQ: Fwd chasse RLR. End in Open Position | 1/8 to L btwn 5-6

    • Turn starts at end of previous step.

    • Raise R arm and have lady do her underarm turn.

    • Lower L arm and lead lady back at the end of her turn.


  • QQ: 1-2 of Fallaway Rock RL | 1/4 to R

  • QaQ: Side Chasse RLR | 1/4 to L over 2-3; Start to turn R on 5.

  • QaQ: LF diag back to chasse LRL, turning underarm to end LF back in Open Position | 3/4 to R over 5-8.


  • Variation - Change of hands: 2 options

    • lead lady with RH to turn R on 5, release R hand hold. Catch R-to-R hand hold at end of lady's turn.

    • Man leads lady do a R underarm turn and change to R-to-R hand hold at end of her turn.

  • Development:

    • Man leads the lady to increase her speed on step 5, Man keeping his arm raised until step 8.

    • Lady spin about 1 1/8 R on RF toward end of 5, then continue to turn amother 5/8 to R over 6-8 to end LF back in open position.

Preceding Figures

  1. Basic In Place

  2. Fallaway Rock

  3. Link

  4. Mooch

  5. Reverse Whip

  6. Stalking Walks, Flicks and Break

  7. Toe Heel Swivels

  8. Walks

  9. Whip

Following Figures

  1. Chugging

  2. Link

  3. Change of Places Left to Right (normal; or with change of hands when Change of Places R to L is danced with change of hands)

  4. Change of Hands Behind Back

  5. Hip Bump

  6. American Spin (from L to R hand hold; or when Change of Places R to L is danced with change of hands)

  7. Stop and Go

  8. Miami Special (when Change of Places R to L is danced with change of hands)

  9. Shoulder Spin (when Change of Places R to L is danced with change of hands)

  10. Catapult (when Change of Places R to L is danced with change of hands)