West Coast Swing Throwout
This pattern starts in closed hold and ends in open facing position.
1: LF rock behind RF
2: Replace weight on RF
Starting to use left hand and the right hand on lady's back to lead Lady forward.
3: Replace weight on LF
a: Replace weight on RF | 1/4 to L btween step 4-5
4: LF forward
slightly forward to follow the lady.
finish the 1/4 to L turn, release R hand hold.
5&6: Chasse in place RLR
ending facing partner in L to R hand hold down the slot.
1: RF rock behind LF
2: Replace weight on LF
3: RF forward | start turning L
a: LF cross in front of RF | turning L
This is also called "French Cross": complete 1/2 turn to L gradually in 3 steps.
Variation: instead of doing French Cross,
Lady could do another forward step and leave the turn to end of next step.
4: RF side and back | finish 1/2 turn
ending facing partner now in open position.
For the variation: do forward step, at the end of step, do sharp 1/2 turn to L to face partner.
5&6: Chasse in place LRL
Anchor step.