Natural Hover Telemark

Foxtrot Natural Hover Telemark

The Foxtrot Hover Telemark is a Gold Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


  1. S: RF fwd | Facing DW | HT | Start to turn R | Sway(S) | CBM | Rise e/o 1

  2. Q: LF to side | Backing DC | TH | 1/4 between 1-2 | Sway(R) | Up. Lower e/o 2

  3. Q: RF to side (Heel Pull) | Facing DC | H, IE of foot, whole foot | 1/2 between 2-3 | Sway(L) | Down on 3. Rise e/o 3

  4. S: L knee veers inwards | Facing DC | T (RF) with pressure on IE of T of LF | Slight body turn to R | Sway(L) | Up.

  5. Q: LF diag fwd, preparing to step OP, L side leading | Facing DC | T | - | Sway(L) | Up.

  6. Q: RF fwd in CBMP, OP | Facing DC | TH | - | Sway(S) | Up. Lower e/o 6.

  7. S: LF fwd | Facing DC | H | - | Sway(S) | CBM | -


  1. S: LF back | BDW | TH | Start to turn R | Sway(S) | CBM | Rise e/o 1. NFR

    • L shoulder connects down.

    • Body should feel fwd, don't turn shoulder back.

    • Diagonal stretch through body upward rightward up.

  2. Q: RF closes to LF (Heel Turn) | LOD | HT | 3/8 between 1-2 | Sway(L) | Up. Lower e/o 2. NFR

  3. Q: LF to side | Wall | T of LF | 3/8 between 2-3 | Sway(R) | Down on 3. Rise e/o 3

    • LF is really fwd step and foot ending up as a side step.

    • Cushion the knee. Pull stomach muscle.

    • Don't push tummy toward partner to try to connect.

  4. S: RF brushes to LF | BDC | IE of Toe of RF | Slight body turn to R | Sway(R) | Up.

    • Body shape goes to the R (can take head to R as well, or keep head L)

  5. Q: RF diag back R side leading | BDC | TH | - | Sway(R) | Up.

    • Feather step finish. Swing rib cage to R. Dancing head to L. Changing shape to L.

  6. Q: LF back in CBMP | BDC | TH | - | Sway(S) | Up. NFR. Lower e/o 6.

  7. S: RF back | BDC | TH | - | Sway(S) | CBM | -

Preceding Figures

  1. Closed Telemark

  2. Hover Telemark

  3. Three Step

Following Figures

  1. Reverse Turn

  2. Closed Telemark

  3. Open Telemark and Feather Ending

  4. Open Telemark, Natural Turn, Outside Swivel and Feather Ending

  5. Three Step (at corner)

  6. Change Of Direction (at corner)

  7. Hover Telemark (at corner)

  8. Reverse Wave (at corner)

  9. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot

  10. Bounce Fallaway with Weave Ending