Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside

Tango Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside

This is a Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


  1. Q: LF fwd in CBMP | DC | H | CBM

  2. Q: RF to side | BDW | BH | 3/8 to L |

    • Total turn is 3/4 from step 1 to step 6.

  3. S: LF back in CBMP | Down LOD | BH

    • The shoulders stop rotating, giving the hips a chance to catch up. It was described as a hover in the orientation of the frame. When reverse turn is preceded by another reverse turning figure with many quick steps, some dancers even reverse the rotation of the shoulders a little on this step, to slow down enough for the close at the end of the pattern.

  4. Q: RF back | Down LOD | BH | CBM

    • Man do straight back step, do not do side steps which will get in the way of lady.

  5. Q: LF to side and slightly fwd | Pointing DW | IE of foot | 3/8 to L

    • Man on inside of turn, smaller step, commit weight completely to LF.

  6. S: RF closes to LF slightly back | Facing DW | WF


  1. Q: RF back in CBMP | BDC | BH | CBM

    • RF turned in, RF facing wall. Action is initiated with flexing/rotating L hip, not R leg.

  2. Q: LF to side and slightly fwd | PLOD | WF | 3/8 to L

    • Placing LF PLOD. This is not a big step, not very progressive, so it allows Man to pass Lady.

    • At the end of this count, Lady is a bit square to Man, then for next step (OP), Lady will rotate upper body to R.

  3. S: RF fwd in CBMP, OP | LOD | H |

    • First, relax the hip joint, hip rotate to R, while doing contra body action. This is a more powerful step.

    • Lady's left side should be quite strongly forward to Man. Upper body is very twisted, but still keep blocks of weight properly lined up, no dis-located look at waist area. Use rotation to create space to move, not dis-location. Upper body should not peel away from Man.

    • Stay connected to Man. Drive the whole spine fwd, do not break at hip and do not have upper body fall fwd.

    • Head extended more to L. To achieve more head extension, the feeling is head is staying, but shoulder is moving forward doing more contra body while stepping RF fwd. Do not bend backward. Focus on L shoulder more fwd.

    • Timing, breaking slow into 2 counts, SQQ is 1 2 3 4. Two timing options on this step (below) are all ok, but make it very clear, do not 'mush' all steps together.

      • "Hold" on count 3 and step on to RF on count 4.

      • Step on count 3, and hold on count 4.

    • (Open Reverse Turn, Lady Inline is different, where Man leads Lady inside the legs, not OP. )

  4. Q: LF fwd | LOD | H | CBM

    • Be careful not to get into Man's space. Stay very left to Man.

    • Step straight forward, "through" Man, big strong step.

    • Left hand position should stay the same, do not slide hand pass Man's armpit.

  5. Q: RF to side and slightly back | BDW | IE of BH | 3/8 to L

  6. S: LF closes to RF slightly fwd | BDW | WF

    • Extend, shape.

Preceding Figures

  1. Back Corte

  2. Brush Tap

  3. Closed Promenade

  4. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot

  5. Four Step Change

  6. Open Finish

  7. Open Promenade

  8. Outside Swivel

  9. Promenade Link

  10. Reverse Outside Swivel

  11. Rock Turn

  12. Walk

Following Figures

  1. Walk (LF)

  2. Progressive Side Step

  3. Progressive Link

  4. Back Corte

  5. LF Rock

  6. Closed Promenade (at end of last step of preceding figure, using Open Finish, keep feet in place and turn Lady to PP, count &)

  7. Open Promenade (at end of last step of preceding figure, using Open Finish, keep feet in place and turn Lady to PP, count &)

  8. Natural Promenade Turn (at end of last step of preceding figure, using Open Finish, keep feet in place and turn Lady to PP, count &)

  9. Promenade Link (at end of last step of preceding figure, using Open Finish, keep feet in place and turn Lady to PP, count &)

  10. Back Open Promenade (at end of last step of preceding figure, using Open Finish, keep feet in place and turn Lady to PP, count &)

  11. Fallaway Promenade (at end of last step of preceding figure, using Open Finish, keep feet in place and turn Lady to PP, count &)

  12. Four Step

  13. Outside Swivel

  14. Four Step Change

  15. Brush Tap

  16. Fallaway Four Step

  17. Five Step

  18. Contra Check