Hip Twist Spiral
Cha Cha Cha Hip Twist Spiral
The Cha Cha Hip Twist Spiral is a Gold Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, and movement, technique; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
2: LF to side or fwd in RSP | slight body turn to R
Increase tone and lower L arm to R at chest level. Widen R arm hold to R side.
3: Transfer weight to RF
4 & 1: Ronde chasse ended in PP, LRL | 1/8 to L (LF), body turns less on step 3. body completes turn on step 4. No turn on step 5.
Return arms to normal position, slightly to R on step 3. Lower L arm to Promenade shape on step 5.
Option: lead lady into Spiral on this step 5 (count "1").
2: RF back | No turn
3: Transfer weight to LF | 1/4 to L over steps 7-10
L arm slightly to L then raise L hand above Lady's R shoulder to circle counterclock wise, leading Lady's spiral.
4 & 1: Fwd Lock RLR. End RF diag forward in Open CPP.
Continue to circle L hand counterclock wise, slowly lowering to L side, just below shoulder level.
2: RF back in RSP | 1/2 to R
Turn starts at e/o previous beat
Do not "fall" back, body is quite forward. After turning 1/2 turn, RF is in front with a lot of pressure, then quick release to step back (like backward walk). Do not let spine fall back.
Keep right shoulder back, settle.
3: Transfer weight to LF
e/o beat, starts turn
4 & 1: Twist Chasse, ended RF diag fwd in PP. | 5/8 to L on step 3, 1/4 to R on 4, No turn on 5.
Turn starts at e/o previous beat.
Pressed Forward Walk.
Option: if Man leads it, do another Spiral Turn on count "1".
2: LF fwd passing in front of Man | No turn.
3: RF fwd in line with LF, then turn underarm allowing LF to cross in front without weight (Spiral turn) | 1 turn to L
Spiral Turn is made on ball of RF with foot flat (T of LF)
(Extended Forward Walk may be used on this step.)
4: LF fwd | 1/8 to L
&: Close RF to LF | 1/2 to L
turn starts e/o previous beat.
1: LF diag fwd in Open CPP. | 1/8 to L
Steps 7-10 may be danced following steps 1 to 6 of Open Hip Twist.