Left Side Pass

West Coast Swing Left Side Pass

This pattern is danced in open facing position.


  • 1: LF hook behind RF | turning L, total 1/2 L btwn step 1-5

    • Use L arm tone to lead lady to pass him.

    • Rotate head to left.

    • Get out of the slot.

  • 2: RF to side | turning L

  • 3: LF rock back | turning L

    • Footwork is like Throwout.

    • Variation: do touch step for count 34.

  • &: replace weight on to RF | turning L

  • 4: LF forward | finishing turning

  • 5&6: Chasse in place RLR


  • 1: RF forward | heel lead

    • Lady does the same footwork as Underarm Turn.

    • This time, step toward Man's left side. Easy heel lead on 2 forward steps.

    • "Lazy step", don't go forward too fast, reach RF first on 1, then "&a", body comes.

  • 2: LF forward | heel lead

  • 3: RF forward | start turning L | Ball

    • "Swing shift" the weight, could do a ball of foot lead

    • Benji Schwimmer prefers smooth movement (no turning head sharply)

    • Start turning here, head looking to partner.

  • a: LF cross in front of RF | turning L | Ball

  • 4: RF side and back | finish 1/2 turn | Ball Flat

  • 5&6: Chasse in place LRL

    • 5: LF does small ronde to cross behind RF. Always articulate the foot, do not just move behind RF.

    • 6&a:

      • 6: step on LF

      • &: weight onto LF, hip more neutral

      • a: settle L hip, compress L side and release R knee to bent to prepare R leg forward.


  • "Loosey goosey" feeling