Ballroom Positions
International Standard Ballroom Positions:
Closed Position (Bronze)
Leader and Follower face each other, with shoulders parallel
Follower is to right of leader, so that leader's right foot may step between followers legs going forward, and followers right foot may step between leaders legs when she steps forward
Movement is directly forward or backwards, or directly side to side
Promenade Position (Bronze)
Shoulders are parallel (or a small V) as in closed position. pick up center/rib cage to partner.
Leader's feet are turned 1/8 to left. Followers feet are turned 1/8 to right
Hips will naturally turn to go with feet. Some dancers don't turn hip till #3 in Waltz (in which case, on 2, it is just like close position except heads are turned).
Movement is directly to leader's left, along the line made by the shoulders
Leader's head faces left, as far as possible, not strained or stiff looking
The right point of the leader's hip will be placed in the center of the follower's hips.
This may be accomplished from closed position by rotating only the hips and feet 1/8 left by the leader (Lady rotating hips and feet 1/8 to right.)
Man "rolls" the contact point and the ending position is such that Man's right hip in front of Lady's left hip. Small V.
Follower's head faces right, as far as possible, not strained or stiff looking
It is important that follower stays "behind" the leader, keep shoulder blades and arms in front, they belong to your partner, do not peel away.
Imagine L and R arm being pulled 50/50 in opposite direction. Pick up abdominal muscle.
Lady keeps R side forward and give the arm to Man, keep tone, don't tip forward and drop R side. Think about L arm to side/back, head stays more behind (imaging ponytail being pulled back). (R arm/side and L side in "opposition")
Comping out of PP, Waltz: Lady's left leg is behind Man's right leg. swing the hips, move more. Lady has to work a lot to keep R side to Man to make it appear right side keep with Man and keep shoulder line flat, otherwise naturally Lady will lose R shoulder.
Outside Partner Position (OPP) (Bronze) (also referred to as "Outside Right")
Closed position, but leader steps diagonally left, to the left (from leader's perspective) of the follower's right foot
Can check Outside Partner Position by closing feet, Man and Lady should end up in normal closed position.
With stepping diagonally, hip is naturally turned to right (rib cage stays parallel to partner)
Twisting starts from the knees (keep feet where it needs to go, twist from knee), then thighs, hips to partner and all the way, keep twisting (like the staircase) to body and shoulder.
Man: lift his right hip to partner, turn frame to right and extend left side forward.
Lady: lift her left hip toward Man, left side very lifted, body twisted to R.
Image is like a tornado, with narrow bottom, and wide top.
Wrongside Position (Silver) (also called "Partner Outside" (English), "Outside Left")
Like outside partner, but leader steps diagonally right, to the right (from leader's perspective) of the follower's left foot
Fallaway (Gold)
Promenade position, but moving in the opposite direction. With still pictures, you won't be able to tell if it's Promenade or Fallaway position (except from the direction dress flows).
Counter Promenade
Like promenade, but feet and head are now pointed to leader's right and follower's left.