Hand to Hand
Rumba Hand To Hand
This is a Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of dance steps; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
See Cha Cha Cha Hand to Hand footwork.
Commence in Closed Position. R to L hand hold.
2: LF back in RSP | 1/4 to L, then step LF
This is Hand to Hand to Right Side Position.
Start rotating shoulders at the end of previous "1".
The 1/4 turn happens at the end of preceding step "&".
Preceding "&": Man would lower the hand.
3: Transfer weight to RF
3& - on "&" turn 1/4 to R
4 1: LF to side (after 1/4 to R) | 1/4 to R over 3-5
(Hand to Hand to RSP could end in Open PP.)
2: RF back in LSP | 1/4 to R (on preceding &)
This is Hand to Hand to Left Side Position.
3: Transfer weight to LF
4 1: RF to side | 1/4 to L (preceding &) over 3-5
Hand-to-Hand to LSP could end in Open CPP.
2: RF back in RSP (after 1/4 to R) | 1/4 to R
This is Hand to Hand to Right Side Position.
The 1/4 turn happens at the end of preceding step "&".
Preceding "&": shift weight completely, lower the hand (change of body design). Use the pressure on RF. Forward Walk Turn action to turn R.
Weight fully committed on back feet. No check step when it's changing from backward movement to forward
Keep arm at shoulder level.
Styling: Lady: arm straight out to side, then, up, brush hair/neck (elbow forward) and down on side of body.
3: Transfer weight to LF
3& - "&" turn 1/4 to L
4 1: RF to side (after 1/4 to L) | 1/4 to L over 3-5
(Hand-to-Hand to RSP could end in Open PP.)
The end "&": cork crew rotation to L.
Variation: end of count "4" do not turn and do 1/2 turn at end of count "1", sharper.
2: LF back in LSP | 1/4 to L
This is Hand to Hand to Left Side Position.
Important to release foot ahead of spine.
3: Transfer weight to RF
4 1: LF to side | 1/4 to R over 3-5
Hand-to-Hand to LSP could end in Open CPP.
It appears sharper if step 3 is danced fwd, then turn to end to side, facing partner.
Another option is to dance 4 1 fwd step and turn 180 to the other side.
Hand To Hand RSP:
may end in Open PP (1/8 over 2 & 3)
RSP could be retained, making no turn over 2 &3 and taking step 3 fwd to follow with Progressive Walks Forward.
More advanced: step 3 may be taken fwd in line with RF, then turn 1/2 to R to end LF back in LSP having rlease R to L hand hold and taken L to R hand hold. (Lady opposite.)
Alternative hold:
Can start with Normal hold. Man allow R hand to slide further around Lady's back on step 1, releasing hold with L hand.
Lady slide L hand naturally across Man's shoulder.
When following with Hand To Hand LSP, Man places L hand on Lady's back, releasing R hand hold at end of step 3, while Lady rests R hand lightly across Man's L shoulder.
Man's hand on Lady's back is just below her shoulder blade.
Preceding Figures for Hand to Hand LSP
Following Figures for Hand to Hand LSP
Progressive Walks Forward in LSP (no turn on 2&3)
Rope Spinning (Rope Spinning after Hand to Hand to LSP - Man close RF to LF and lead Lady to turn R into her spiral action on 3 to continue with Rope Spinning)
Preceding Figures for Hand to Hand RSP
Following Figures for Hand to Hand RSP
Basic Movements: Open (4-6)
Basic Movements: Closed (4-6)
Fan (4-6, lady in line on 4)
Closed Hip Twist (4-6, leading lady with R hand to turn R, then changing to L to R hand hold on 5)
Progressive Walks Forward in RSP (no turn on 2&3)
Spiral (Spiral after Hand to Hand to RSP- ending with Man close RF to LF and lead Lady to turn L into her spiral action on 3 to continue with 4-6 of Spiral)