Shadow Circle
&1: open facing position,
2: RF fwd (to Man's R side), change handhold to cross hand hold, Lady's RH with Man's RH on top, the other hands at bottom
end of count, start turning to R
3: end with LF back step
&1: open up to R side break
arm parallel, Man behind Lady, holding Lady's 2 hands.
Lady's R hip open, present
23&1: Lady 1/2 turn to R to return to facing position,
Arm crossed with the other hand (Lady's LH) on top
23&1: Lady's 1/2 turn to R, goes into shadow position,
&1: "1" LF starting circling backward at this time.
Lady's RH is released. Man's RH on Lady's R shoulder.
Lady looks to R (not left)
23&1: Normal timing, head look to R, step in circles (can repeat)
soft knees, weight more fwd, not leaning back (so not falling back)
23&1: coming out of the circling.
2: feels like Man is opening. Lady turns R hip to R, RF fwd bent knee. Pivot on RF, ending LF steps back on 3.
3: LF back
&1: back break.