Samba Walks
Samba Walks
The Samba Walks is Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, and movement, technique; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Samba Walk in Promenade Position
1: LF fwd in PP | BF
LF Samba Walk in Promenade Position
Commence in Promenade Position, feet pointing LOD. Use very slight bounce action.
Shoulders should turn slightly toward partner to create the promenade position, with lower part of body facing LOD, with pelvic action.
Slight adjustment for hold: Lady slide L hand across Man's back at shoulder blade level. Man slides R hand to below lady's R shoulder blade.
Focus on the pendulum action (forward and back), there is slight hip rotating out (but not prominent). People should see pendulum action more.
LF fwd and cross the other foot. L knee bent.
Do not slide whole back foot (RF) forward, just bend R knee, back foot toe is still kept roughly at same location.
Pelvis swings naturally forward.
a: RF back in PP, w/o weight, small step. Toe turned out | I/E of T (Pressure)
R leg straight back
2: Take minimal weight to RF and draw LF back in PP | F (Pressure on ball of foot)
L knee is slightly straightened as the foot is drawn back, then L knee slightly flexed.
How far to pull back depends on the person. ("By the book": 3 inches)
Back foot swivels to the turned out position.
Pelvis return to normal position.
After count "2":
"&" is just pendulum action (mid body),
"a" hip rotate to place the other foot forward.
"1" step onto front foot (RF) R knee bent
1: RF fwd in PP | BF
RF Samba Walk in Promenade Position
a: LF back in PP, w/o weight, small step, Toe turned out | I/E of T (Pressure)
2: Take minimal weight to LF, draw RF back in PP | F (Pressure on ball of foot)
Samba walks can be danced on same foot as partner when in R shadow position.
Silver & Gold: Samba Walks are danced in RSP during Rolling off the Arm.
Preceding Figures for Samba Walk in PP: RF
Following Figures for Samba Walk in PP: RF
Whisk To Left (turn 1/4 R on 1, Lady to L, to face partner)
Preceding Figures for Samba Walk in PP: LF
Following Figures for Samba Walk in PP: LF
Side Samba Walk in Promenade Position
1: RF fwd in PP | BF
a: LF to side and slightly back in PP w/o weight. Toe turned out | I/E of T (Pressure)
2: Take minimal weight to LF, draw RF back in PP | 1/8 to R between 2-3 | F (Pressure on ball of foot)
1: LF fwd in PP | BF
Start in Promenade Position. Use slight bounce action.
Actions are the same as Samba Walk in Promenade Position.
a: RF to side and slightly back in PP w/o weight. Toe turned out | I/E of T (Pressure)
2: Take minimal weight to RF, draw LF back in PP | 1/8 to L between 2-3 | F (Pressure on ball of foot)
Going from Side Samba walk to Boto Fogos: man keep the forward motion to keep lady moving, man holds back (without stepping back).
Preceding Figures for Samba Walk: Side
Following Figures for Samba Walk: Side
Samba Walk in PP: LF (first step fwd and slightly across)
Criss Cross Bota Fogos (Shadow Bota Fogos) (in Open PP, having released hold with R hand)
Criss Cross Voltas (in Open PP, having released hold with R hand)
Solo Spot Volta to Left (Lady to Right) (in Open PP, having released hold with R hand)
Maypole (Man turning L, in Open PP, having released hold with R hand)
Foot Change 3: Promenade or Open Promenade to Right Shadow Position (from Open PP to R Shadow Position, after having released hold with R hand)
Samba Walk: Stationary (in Closed Position, having turned 1/4 R, Lady L, between 2 and 3)
Argentine Crosses (in Closed Position, having turned 1/4 R, Lady L, between 2 and 3)
Stationary Samba Walk
1: Close LF to RF | BF
a: RF back w/o weight. Toe turned out | I/E of T (Pressure)
2: Take minimal weight to RF, draw LF back | F (Pressure on ball of foot)
1: Close RF to LF, slightly fwd | BF
a: LF back w/o weight. toe turned out | I/E of T (Pressure)
2: Take minimal weight to LF and draw RF back | F (Pressure on ball of foot)
1: Close RF to LF, RF is slightly fwd | BF
Commence in Closed Position. (Can be danced with L to R handhold. )
L side body fwd, weight more fwd, L knee bent (more bent knee can create bigger movement) Dance opposition. Side arrives first.
R hip rotated to R, R hip high, R side compressed, (dance opposition, thighs working opposite direction), R leg straight leg line. RF turned out, nice line.
Throughout the figure: keep foot pressure on floor; weight needs to be more fwd.
Stationary samba walks can exaggerate hip action a bit more.
The action starts at the end of previous beat &:
"&": L hip does figure 8 rotation. L hip diagonally fwd, drawing R leg in (R leg straight ) to close RF with LF, thighs together. Keep L heel down while drawing R leg in
"1": When both legs are together, both knees bent, then knees do a forward circle (use more knees) switching from left to right side (not straight flat line), compress tummy, bounce action, switch weight to RF, L heel is released right away with the knee switch (L heel off ground)
don't shoot out L leg immediately, bounce/re-bound action here, start pushing on RF (the standing leg), straightening R leg first.
a: LF back w/o weight, toe turned out | I/E of T (Pressure)
Styling option: turn head to look to left.
Straighten L leg back. At this time, hips are neutral. Do not turn LF out too much or open L hip too early here.
2: Take minimal weight to LF, draw RF back | F (Pressure on ball of foot)
L hip rotate, LF swivel, figure 8, L hip high (finish), squeeze L side. Take weight onto LF, L hip rotates back a bit more (front heel lift off floor and point briefly) to create a bigger figure 8 action. (not the whole body going to back foot, just send hip to back foot a little bit to create bigger movement)
Create straight L leg line. (L heel up). R knee bent (bend more to give more room for bigger hip action).
1: Close LF to RF, slightly fwd | BF
Really using the R hip forward and rotate movement to draw L leg and foot to close to RF. They shouldn't move on its own. It's the result of R hip doing figure 8 action.
a: RF back w/o weight. Toe turned out | I/E of T (Pressure)
Styling option: head look to right.
2: Take minimal weight to RF, draw LF back. | F (Pressure on ball of foot)
LF Stationary Samba Walk: Man can lead Lady to turn R under raised arms, having released hold with R hand (Lady Spot Volta making a complete turn to R)
RF Stationary Samba Walk: can lead Lady to turn L.
Preceding Figures for Samba Walk: Stationary
Following Figures for Samba Walk: Stationary
Solo Spot Volta to Left (Lady to Right) (after RF Stationary Walk)
Solo Spot Volta to Right (Lady to Left) (after LF Stationary Walk)
Argentine Crosses (normal; or commenced with RF, after 1-3 LF StationarySambaWalk)
Maypole (Man turning L; or Man turning R, after 1-3 LF Stationary Samba Walk)
Natural Basic Movement (after 1-3 LF Stationary Samba Walk)
Whisk To Right (after 1-3 LF Stationary Samba Walk)
Corta Jaca (after 1-3 LF Stationary Samba Walk)
Natural Roll (after 1-3 LF Stationary Samba Walk)