Natural Turn with Hesitation

Quickstep Natural Turn with Hesitation

The Quickstep Natural Turn with Hesitation is a Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.

This can be used at corner or long side of room.


  1. S: RF fwd | FDW | HT | Start to turn R | Sway(S) | CBM | start to rise e/o 1

  2. Q: LF side | BDC | T | 1/4 to R between 1-2 | Sway(R) | Up

  3. Q: RF closes to LF | BLOD | TH | 1/8 to R between 2-3 | Sway(R) | Up, lower e/o 3

  4. S: LF back | BLOD | TH | cont to turn R | Sway(S) | CBM | -- |

  5. S: RF to side | DC | IE of foot, WF | 3/8 between 4-5 | Sway(L) | --

    • Could turn 1/8 to face DC on new LOD. Followed by Chasse Reverse Turn. Or, turn 1/4 to face new LOD.

    • Can hold as many count as needed to avoid traffic, rest, etc.

  6. S: LF closes to RF without weight | DC | ID of T (LF) | -- | Sway(L) | --

    • This could be the first step for next figure, stepping forward on S (HT) and continue with, for example, Quarter Turn to Right


  1. S: LF back | BDW | TH | starts to turn R | Sway(S) | CBM | start to rise e/o 1, NFR

    • Take head and body to left foot, allow R hip to open, maintain head over left side. R side is stretched (do not have head go to right)

  2. Q: RF side | PLOD | T | 3/8 between 1-2 | body turns less | Sway(L) | Up

  3. Q: LF close to RF | FLOD | TH | body completes turn | Sway(L) | Up, lower e/o 3

    • Settle, dissolve the sway, lower, push on LF, before stepping next S.

    • Don't step too quickly to next S.

  4. S: RF fwd | FLOD | HT | start to turn R | Sway(S) | CBM | --

  5. S: LF to side | BDC | TH | 3/8 between 4-5 | Sway(R) | --

    • Could underturn, only 1/4 to face new LOD.

    • Always, always stay on Man's right side.

    • No rise in legs, just extend left side, the rise is in the body

  6. S: RF closes to LF without weight | BDC | IE of T (RF) | - | Sway(R) | --


  • Sway in step 5-6 is optional.

Preceding Figures

  1. Closed Telemark

  2. Cross Chasse

  3. Fish Tail

  4. Forward Lock

  5. Four Quick Run

  6. Heel Pivot (Quarter Turn To Left)

  7. Natural Pivot Turn

  8. Natural Turn

  9. Progressive Chasse

  10. Running Finish

  11. Running Right Turn

  12. Tipple Chasse To Right

  13. V6

  14. Zig-Zag, Back Lock And Running Finish

Following Figures

  1. Chasse Reverse Turn

  2. Progressive Chasse To Right

  3. Double Reverse Spin