Outside Swivel

The Outside Swivel is a Silver level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.

Outside Swivel Method 1

Taken after an Open Finish and incorporating the Promenade Link


  1. S: LF back in CBMP, RF crosses in front of LF without weight. End in PP. | BH with pressure on B of RF | CBM

    • Between center and DC against the LOD toe turned in. End facing wall.

    • Just under 1/8 to R, 1/8 to L between 1-2

    • Keep body weight lined up. Rotate elbow points to right. Do not take head and shoulder weight back. Keep head diagonally stretched.

    • In this variation of Outside Swivel, Man doesn't change direction.

  2. Q: RF forward and across in PP and CBMP | Pointing DW | H

    • Not just moving RF across, Man also turns to left on his left foot, otherwise, body is quite twisted.

  3. Q: LF place to side small step without weight | Facing DW | IE of B | 1/8 to R

Note--Most advanced dancers do not cross the RF in front on step 1, but leave it forward.


  1. S: RF fwd in CBMP, OP LF closes slightly back without weight. End in PP | HB (Foot flat) and IE of B of LF | Just over 1/4 to R on 1 | CBM

    • This is taken after an Open Finish. Step between center and DC against the LOD. End facing LOD

    • In this variation of Outside Swivel, Man doesn't change direction. Lady swivels.

    • Drive left side forward, don't anticipate the turn.

    • Try to make shoulders very very still, just rotate in hip area. Keep arms relaxed.

    • After RF fwd swivels, wait, balance, do not rush with LF passing through forward.

  2. Q: LF forward and across in PP and CBMP | DW Pointing down LOD | HB (Foot flat) | 3/8 to L between 2-3 | CBM

    • Finish with Promenade Link

    • Head immediately left.

    • Try to think keeping body center line (bellybutton) toward partner.

    • Arms should not be stiff to produce Tango look. Arms relaxed, lower body does the work.

  3. Q: RF place to side small step without weight | Backing DW | IE of B

Note-- Advanced dancers often lift the LF from the floor on step 1, making sure to keep the knees in contact while this "flick" of the foot is danced.

Outside Swivel Method 2

Turning to Left after an Open Finish which has ended DW


  1. S: LF back in CBMP, RF crosses in front of LF without weight. End in PP. | Against LOD End facing LOD | BH with pressure on B of RF | 1/8 to L | CBM

    • In this variation of Outside Swivel, Man swivels to left.

  2. Q: RF forward and across in PP and CBMP | Pointing DC | H

  3. Q: LF place to side small step without weight | Facing DC | IE of B | 1/8 to L


  1. S: RF fwd in CBMP, OP LF closes slightly back without weight. End in PP | Against LOD End facing center | HB (Foot flat) and IE of B of LF | 1/8 to L between the preceding step and 1, 1/4 to R on 1 | CBM

    • In this variation of Outside Swivel, Man swivels to left. Lady swivels little.

    • This is a compact figure, do not try to create extra momentum through shoulders.

    • Lower base does the work.

    • Keep blocks of weight lined up, do not stick belly out to try make connection with partner.

  2. Q: LF forward and across in PP and CBMP | DC pointing to center | HB (Foot flat) | 3/8 to L between 2-3 | CBM

  3. Q: RF place to side small step without weight | Backing DC | IE of B

Reverse Outside Swivel Method

This figure has variations, different preceding and following figures, and is listed separately in Reverse Outside Swivel.

Preceding Figures

  1. Back Corte

  2. Basic Reverse Turn

  3. Closed Promenade

  4. Open Finish

  5. Open Promenade

  6. Open Reverse Turn, Lady In Line

  7. Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside

  8. Outside Swivel

  9. Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn

  10. Promenade Link

  11. Reverse Outside Swivel

  12. Rock Turn

Following Figures

  1. Walk (LF)

  2. Progressive Side Step

  3. Progressive Link

  4. Back Corte

  5. LF Rock

  6. Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside (when preceding figure ended DC; or if ended DC)

  7. Open Reverse Turn, Lady In Line (when preceding figure ended DC; or if ended DC)

  8. Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn (when preceding figure ended DC; or if ended DC)

  9. Reverse Outside Swivel (when preceding figure ended DC; or if ended DC)

  10. Basic Reverse Turn (when preceding figure ended DC; or if ended DC)

  11. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot (when preceding figure ended DC; or normal; or if ended DC; or normal)

  12. Four Step (normal; or Overturned)

  13. Outside Swivel

  14. Four Step Change

  15. Brush Tap

  16. Fallaway Four Step

  17. Oversway

  18. Five Step

  19. Contra Check