Toe Heel Swivels
Jive Toe Heel Swivels
Jive Toe Heel Swivels is a Gold Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, movement, a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Start in Open Position, double hand hold.
QQ:1,2 of Link LR | No turn
Previous figure ends in Open Position a little bit closer than usual.
Increase tone in arms.
Q: Swivel to R on RF to CPP and place LF close to RF on toe, without weight | 1/8 to R on RF
Keep tone in arm
Q: Swivel to L on RF to PP and place LF diag fwd on heel, without weight | 1/4 to L on RF
Keep tone
Q: Swivel to R on RF and LF fwd an across in CPP | 1/4 to R on RF
Weight change, keep tone in arms
Q: Swivel to L on LF to PP and place RF close to LF on toe, without weight |1/4 to L on LF
Keep tone
Q: Swivel to R on LF to CPP and place RF diag fwd on heel, without weight | 1/4 to R on LF
Keep tone
Q: Swivel to L on LF and RF fwd and across in PP | 1/4 to L on LF
Weight change. Keep tone in arms.
Steps 3-8 may be repeated.
Steps 3-8: upper body and arms are held as still as possible, arms toned.
QQ: 1,2 of Link RL | No turn
Q: Swivel to L on LF to CPP and place RF closed to LF on toe, without weight | 1/8 to L on LF
Lady accept leads - match Man's tone in arms through steps 3-8.
Q: Swivel to R on LF to PP and place RF diag fwd on heel, without weight | 1/4 to R on LF
Q: Swivel to L on LF and RF fwd and across in CPP | 1/4 to L on LF
Q: Swivel to R on RF to PP and place LF close to RF on toe, without weight | 1/4 to R on RF
Q: Swivel to L on RF to CPP and place LF diag fwd on heel, without weight | 1/4 to L on RF
Q: Swivel to R on RF and LF fwd and across in PP | /4 to R on RF
Steps 3-8: upper body and arms are held as still as possible, arms toned.
The turn on the swiveling foot may be a little less than specified turn above.
Alternative timing for swivels steps 3-8: QQS QQS
Combination timing (repeating 3-8 once) from step 1: QQ QQS QQS QQQ QQQ
"Break" follow:
Q: Hold the position from step 8 for an extra 3/4 beat - Man weight on RF, Lady LF
a: Replace part weight to LF (Lady RF) in PP (BAll of foot) 1/4 beat
Q: Replace weight to RF (Lady LF) in PP (ball, flat) 1 beat
Then, follow step 3-8 of Fallaway Throwaway of Change of Places R to L.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Fallaway Rock (step 3-8 of Fallway Rock, regain normal hold on 2nd chasse)
Fallaway Throwaway (step 3-8 Fallaway Throwaway)
Stalking Walks, Flicks and Break (step 3-20, retain double hold throughout)