Reverse Corté
Waltz Reverse Corte
The Waltz Reverse Corte is a Bronze Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Count 1: RF back | BLOD | TH | start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | --
Do not step side ways, straight back, use CBM
Count 2: LF closes to RF without weight | BDC against LOD (or BDC on new LOD) | H(LF) then toes both feet | 3/8 between 1-2 | Sway(R) | rise on 2
Track foot. Drag LF in with heel. No rondes. Keep feet flat, keep knees flexed. Do not pop up both toes too early. Stay down till lady gets on her RF, then rise.
Count 3: Position held | BDC against LOD | (or BDC on new LOD | TH(RF) | -- | Sway(R) | up, lower e/o 3
Lower down through the right foot.
Step 1 of all following figures would be CBMP, Lady OP.
On step 2 turn may be made on ball of RF with foot flat. Footwork would then be 1. THT; 2 Toes both feet; 3 TH(RF)
Note: Other alignments (between steps 1-2) are the following, with different ending alignment:
backing LOD, 1/2 L between 1-2, ending against LOD
backing LOD, 5/8 L between 1-2, ending BDW against LOD
backing DC, 1/4 to L between 1-2, ending BDC against LOD.
Count 1: LF fwd | Facing LOD | HT | start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | Start to rise e/o 1
This is the same footwork as second half of Reverse Turn.
Use CBM to help with the turn and stay together with Man.
Do not drive using upper body. Connect shoulder with hip joint, release hip joint forward which starts the motion.
Count 2: RF to side | Facing Center | T | 1/4 turn between 1-2 | Sway(L) | Continue to rise on 2 and 3
Track RF.
Do not step too big, it will pull man off his feet.
Stay very left. Connect L shoulder down. If spine travels to the right, it will pull weight over to right and off balance.
Show off extension between 2 and 3.
Count 3: LF closes to RF | DC against LOD | TH | 1/8 between 2-3 | Sway(L) | lower e/o 3
Gracefully collect and get back (especially when extensions last extra measure.)
Step 1 of all following figures would be CBMP, Lady OP, RF fwd.
Note: When Man uses different alignments as above, the Lady will turn:
Just over 1/4 to L between 1-2, just under 1/4 to L between 2-3
3/8 to L between 1-2, 1/4 to L between 2-3
1/8 to L between 1-2, 1/8 to L between 2-3
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Natural Turn (4-6; or 4-6 when ending BDW)
Back Whisk (normal; or Back whisk with turn at corner)
Closed Impetus (when ending BDW)
Back Lock (when ending BDW)
Outside Change (at corner; or into Closed Wing)
Open Impetus (when ending BDW)
Outside Spin (underturned)