Progressive Chassé to Right
Waltz Progressive Chassé to Right
The Waltz Progressive Chasse to Right is a Bronze Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Count 1: LF fwd | Facing DC | HT | Start to turn L | - | CBM | start to rise e/o 1
Count 2: RF to side | Backing Wall | T | 1/8 between 1 and 2 | -- | continue to rise on 2 and 3
Track foot, no rondes.
Count &: LF closes to RF | Backing DW | T | 1/8 between 2 and 3, body turns less | -- | Up, lower e/o 4
Count 3: RF to side and slightly back | Backing DW | TH | -- | -- | --
Count 1: LF back in CBMP | Backing DW | T | -- | -- | CBM
Count 1: RF back | Backing DC | TH | Begin to turn L | - | CBM | start to rise e/o 1, NFR
Inside of turn, don't dance too quickly ahead of Man.
Don't stick foot out early, lower body first. let the body initiate smooth movement. R shoulder and hip connecting down, axis point, strong stretch through left side of body,
RF straight back. Turn your hips from the crossed position
All steps of chasse should glide, big steps
Keep head left
Count 2: LF to side | Pointing DW | T | 1/4 between 1 and 2, body turns less | - | continue to rise on 2 and 3
Track foot. Pull ab muscle back to spine. Keep centers long, not push tummy out to connect with Man.
Count &: RF closes to LF | Facing DW | T | slight body turn | - | --
Do not rush, stay on top longer, keep with Man. Give R side to Man.
Count 3: LF to side and slightly fwd | Facing DW | TH | -- | - | --
Left shoulder is quite forward.
Finishing position: hips lifted to Man (especially left side), don't just turn upper body.
Count 1: RF fwd in CBMP, OP | Facing DW | H | -- | - | CBM
Bronze: The Progressive Chassé to R could be started facing LOD and ended backing DW (3/8 turn) when the amounts of turn would be:
Man: 1/4 between 1-2, 1/8 between 2-3 (body turns less), no further turn
Lady: 3/8 between 1-2 (body turns less), slight body turn to L on 3, no further turn.
Silver and Gold: Started facing DC and ended backing LOD (3/8 turn), or started facing DC and ending backing DC (1/2 turn). If 1/2 turn is made the amounts of turn will be:
Man: 1/4 between 1-2, 1/8 between 2-3, 1/8 between 4-5
Lady: 3/8 between 1-2 (body turns less). Body completes turn on 3, 1/8 between 3-4 (body turns less)
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Natural Turn (4-6)
Hesitation Change (4-6)
Fallaway Whisk (standard, or with turn at corner)
Back Whisk (standard, or with turn at corner)
Outside Spin (underturned)
Outside Change (when ending DC)