Left Whisk

Waltz Left Whisk

Waltz Left Whisk is a Gold Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


  1. Count 1: RF fwd and across in PP and CBMP | FDW, moving along LOD | H | - | - | -

  2. Count 2: LF to side and slightly fwd | Pointing DW | TH | Body start to turn L | - | - | -

  3. Count 3: RF crosses behind LF | FDW | T | Body turn to L | - | - | -

    • Man looks towards Lady's face, not over her R shoulder.

    • Man's RH will lower as the next step is taken.


  1. Count 1: LF fwd and across in PP and CBMP | Facing DC, moving along LOD | HT | start to turn L | - | CBM | -

  2. Count 2: RF to side and slightly back | BDW | TH | 1/4 btwn 1-2 | - | -

    • RF forward, shape to R and close with Man, then R hip glued to Man. Follow hip curve.

    • Lady tends to have a tendency to take her R elbow in, keep elbow slightly out to maintain volume, extend her R arm (give to Man, create room to create shape)

  3. Count 3: LF back in CBMP | BLOD | TH | 1/8 btwn 2-3 | - | -

    • To produce big shape:

      • Take step LF back (along original travel direction, don't go around Man), move weight back to LF (this is a step, otherwise you'll block Man), collect RF (crossed in front of LF, w/o weight).

      • Butt and hip fwd to Man, don't turn out of Man. Hips stop turning, but body can continue to turn more to shape/sway without changing base.

      • Contra within own body. Both L and R rib cage and hips fwd to Man and shape to L (w/o turning hips more), R side of body is longer (very stretched). Don't "sit" bottom down, heavy. Pick up center and bottom. Really pick up L side ribs to Man while rotating body to L and extending head to L.

      • Head turns well to left and extend (without body peeling from Man) to finish the extension. Breathe out to extend head even more.

      • Keep arm/elbow forward, extend the arm fwd to Man (check R elbow angle), give it to Man. Don't break shoulder or peel away shoulder.


  • Can enter Left Whisk from different position, e.g. From Weave or Outside Change, ending in Closed Position, but with Lady's head turned to R.

    • No rise in Left Whisk.

Alternative Alignment - Man start with RF back, BLOD


  1. Count 1: RF back | BLOD | TH | Start to turn L | - | CBM | -

  2. Count 2: LF to side and slightly fwd | Pointing DW | TH | 3/8 btwn steps 1-2, body turns less | - | - | -

  3. Count 3: RF crosses behind LF | FDW | T | Body turn to L | - | - | -

    • Man looks towards Lady's face, not over her R shoulder.

    • Man's RH will lower as the next step is taken.


  1. Count 1: LF fwd | FLOD | HT | start to turn L | - | CBM | -

  2. Count 2: RF to side and slightly back | BDW | TH | 3/8 btwn 1-2 | - | -

  3. Count 3: LF back in CBMP | BLOD | TH | 1/8 btwn 2-3 | - | -

    • Lady may overturn slightly to L on step 3 and turn her head well to the L.

Variation: Left Whisk on Count 1 with Contra Check


  • Dance Natural Spin Turn (123) and 1-4 of Turning Lock (1&2 3): end with: LF to side pointing DW

  • 1: Cross RF behind LF into Left Whisk

  • 2: Replace weight to LF

  • 3: RF to side and slightly fwd pointing DW against LOD

  • 1: LF fwd into Contra Check DW against LOD

  • Continue with steps 2-3 Contra Check turning 1/4 to L.


  • Dance Natural Spin Turn (123) and 1-4 of Turning Lock (1&2 3): end with: RF to side pointing DC

  • 1: turning L, cross LF behind RF into Left Whisk. Lady's head to Left. On ball of LF. The step is not too big (not as big as contra check). Weight in middle.

  • 2: RF fwd. Head keep left.

  • 3: LF side. Lady finish inline. (need to step enough around Man), head can keep left, or turn to right, make sure left side is very up. Chest is up to Man. Heel down.

  • 1: RF back into Contra Check

  • Continue with steps 2-3 Contra Check.

Preceding Figures

  1. Back Whisk

  2. Basic Weave

  3. Closed Impetus

  4. Contra Check

  5. Fallaway Whisk

  6. Natural Spin Turn

  7. Open Impetus

  8. Open Telemark

  9. Outside Change

  10. Outside Spin

  11. Reverse Turn

  12. Turning Lock

  13. Turning Lock to R

  14. Weave From Promenade Position

  15. Whisk

Following Figures

  1. Outside Change (releasing LF on step 3)

  2. Fallaway Whisk (after running around Man to R 12&3)

  3. Back Whisk (after running around Man to R 12&3)

  4. Outside Spin (after running around Man to R 12&3)

  5. Open Impetus (after running around Man to R 12&3)

  6. Closed Impetus (after running around Man to R 12&3)