Top Spin
Foxtrot Top Spin
The Top Spin is a Silver Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Q: LF back in CBMP | Backing Against LOD | T | 1/8 to L between preceding step and 1 | Sway(S) | Up
Preceding step is generally a Feather Finish. To continue with Top Spin (to avoid traffic for example), the previous Feather Finish is cut short so you can respond quickly into Top Spin action.
"Backing Against LOD" means Man is facing LOD but your next step will be stepping backward (against LOD). This is different from BLOD, which is "Backing LOD" your next step is down LOD.
Start turning left hip to left. This is not a large step. Then use CBM.
Q: RF back | Backing DW Against LOD | T | 1/8 between 1-2 | Sway(S) | CBM | UP
Connect right shoulder down to right side.
Q: LF to side and slightly fwd | Pointing DC of new LOD | T | 1/4 between 2-3. body turns less | Sway(R) | UP
Swing left hip forward.
Q: RF fwd in CBMP, OP | Facing DC | TH | -- | Sway(R) | Lower e/o 4
See Note for other alignments. Could finish DW of new LOD.
S: LF fwd | Facing DC | H | Sway(S) | CBM | --
Q: RF fwd in CBMP OP | Facing Against LOD | T | 1/8 to L between preceding step and 1 | Sway(S) | Up
When Man cut short Feather Finish, Lady respond to keep weight on T (at end of Feather Finish).
Follow Man's body, do not be too powerful, the figure is compact. Mainly used in corners or get out of trouble. Man can change alignments.
"Facing Against LOD": think of typical Feather Finish ending, you'll be changing direction, so you'll be stepping forward (against LOD).
Q: LF fwd | Facing DW Against LOD | T | 1/8 between 1-2 | Sway(S) | CBM | Up
Monitor through Man's central line, keep arm light.
Connect head, shoulder hip to left foot.
Q: RF to side | Backing new LOD | TH | 1/8 between 2-3 | Sway(L) | Up
Allow feet to swivel, feet turns more than body
Q: LF back in CBMP | Backing DC | TH | 1/8 between 3-4, body turns less | Sway(L) | Up. NFR Lower e/o 4
Think about stretching diagonally to the right, rather than rotation in upper body.
S: RF back | Backing DC | T | -- | Sway(S) | CBM | --
On step 1 the footwork of TH may be used. This will often result in a softer and more flowing movement. When this footwork is used the rise will be "Up NFR" on step 2.
On step 6 of the preceding Reverse Turn with Feather Ending, Man's body will be facing DW and the Lady will be backing DW.
Silver and Gold: Closed Impetus and Feather Finish may be danced turning 1/2 on step 1-3 to back against LOD and 3/8 on Feather Finish to face DC against LOD. Continue with Top Spin to face DW.
Open Telemark, Natural Turn to Outside Swivel may be danced, turning only 1/8 to R for Man, 3/8 for Lady on step 7 to follow with Feather Ending DC against LOD into Top Spin.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Reverse Turn (if Top Spin ended DC)
Closed Telemark (if Top Spin ended DC)
Open Telemark and Feather Ending (if Top Spin ended DC)
Open Telemark, Natural Turn, Outside Swivel and Feather Ending (if Top Spin ended DC)
Reverse Wave (if Top Spin ended DC at corner; or if Top Spin ended LOD or DW)
Three Step (if Top Spin ended LOD or DW)
Change Of Direction (if Top Spin ended LOD or DW)
Hover Telemark (if Top Spin ended LOD or DW)