Reverse Turn
Foxtrot Reverse Turn (Feather Finish)
This is a Newcomer figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
S: LF fwd | FDC | HT | start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | rise at e/o 1
Step straight forward DC.
Early rise to lead a heel turn, it's difficult for lady to do heel turn on bent knee, so man needs to rise enough to allow to have straight legs for heel turn. Man "walks with a particularly straight knee" which stops the movement forward and make Lady do heel turn.
Q: RF to side | BDW | T | 1/4 between 1-2 | Sway(L) | up
The step is forward relative to the body. There is minimal pivot on the LF. The RF stepping forward relative to the body will thus be stepping between DC and center.The man then can pivot on the RF as he is transferring weight from the LF.
When leading heel turns, brush the foot, it helps to not fall over
Q: LF back | BLOD | TH | 1/8 between 2-3 | Sway(L) | up, lower e/o 3
Step straight back.
S: RF back | BLOD | THT | start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | rise at e/o 4
Q: LF to side, slightly fwd | Pointing DW | T | 3/8 between 4-5, body turns less | Sway(R) | up
Q: RF fwd in CBMP, OP | FDW | TH | - | Sway(R) | up, lower e/o 6
S: LF fwd | FDW | H | - | Sway(S) | CBM | -
S: RF back | BDC | TH | start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | rise slightly 3/o 1, NFR
When feet are traveling backwards, mentally, think about body traveling forward, i.e. shoulder weight does not go back.
Straight back. drive, big step (bigger steps actually helps with balance, if step is too small, body falls back more easily.)
Keep head even more left which helps to turn.
To initiate the turn, keep shoulders with partner, but turn hips to L, RF is slightly turned in when stepping (foot position always goes with hip position).
R shoulder down, L side stretched, strong diagonal. head follows the elbow.
Do not pop. Absorb rise with knees. Roll weight onto RF. L side positive.
Q: LF closes to RF (Heel Turn) | FLOD | HT | 3/8 between 1-2 | Sway(R) | up, NFR.
When dragging LF close to RF, be in sync with Man's leg movement, don't drag too quick.
Do not wait till last second to turn. Body is turning as LF is being dragged back.
Keep left side positive (i.e. body is turned 1/8 to R), do not over turn shoulder. Do not end square with Man.
Do not pop. Absorb rise with knees.
Heel turn is not on straight knee, legs are slightly bent all the time.
Q: RF fwd | FLOD | TH | - | Sway(R) | up, NFR, lower e/o 3
Push LF off, don't fall short stepping RF forward. Slide ball of feet forward. Settle at the end. Next step starts with heel lead.
Because of the sway to R, L shoulder feels high (because of stretching of L side, but do not raise L shoulder itself.)
S: LF fwd | FLOD | HT | start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | rise e/o 4
Lower first, then step, bigger step, straight forward, don't go sideways. Do not turn out foot. Stay very left.
Q: RF to side | BW | TH | 1/4 between 4-5 | Sway(L) | up
Though written as "side step", it is really a swinging "fwd" step, then turn the feet and body. Lower heel, collect before stepping next step in CBMP.
Q: LF back in CBMP | BDW | TH | 1/8 between 5-6, body turns less | Sway(L) | up, NFR, lower e/o 6
Leave left shoulder forward, don't lead back.
S: RF back | BDW | T | - | Sway(S) | CBM | -
Continue with next step, do L toe release.
Step 4-7 of the Reverse Turn is Feather Finish and may be commenced in other alignments. Less turn may be made.
Feather Finish is the ending of many patterns.
See Heel Turn technique in Standard Technique on Turns.
Preceding figures
Following figures
Basic Weave (1-4 Reverse Turn to end BDW, check, and Basic Weave)
Reverse Turn (1-4 Reverse Turn to end BLOD near corner, check and Basic Weave turning 1/8, 1/8, 3/8; or 1/4, 1/8, 3/4; to end DW of new LOD)
Top Spin (check back after step 6)
Outside Swivel (check back after step 6)
Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot (at corner)