Open Telemark, Natural Turn to Outside Swivel and Feather Ending
Foxtrot Open Telemark, Natural Turn to Outside Swivel and Feather Ending
The Open Telemark, Natural Turn to Outside Swivel and Feather Ending is a Silver Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
S: LF fwd | Facing DC | HT | start to turn L | S | CBM | rise e/o 1
Compress right shoulder, hip and foot, stretch through diagonal, rise up through left foot leading heel turn.
Leave LF here, it becomes like spiral a little bit (when leading into Telemark.)
Q: RF to side | Backing DW | T | 1/4 between 1-2 | Sway(L) | Up
After swinging RF to side, swivel feet (base area) more than upper body. Upper body belongs to Lady.
Q: LF sideways in PP | Facing DW against LOD | TH | 1/4 between 2-3 | Sway(S) | Up. Lower e/o 3
This completes the "Open Telemark" part of the figure. "Natural Turn" part only applies to Leader. Lady's steps are not Lady's Natural Turn steps.
S: RF fwd and across in PP and CBMP | Facing DW against LOD (Moving to Wall) | HT | start to turn R | Sway(S) | CBM | Rise e/o 4
RF fwd in lane 1. Lady is in lane 2.
Q: LF to side | Backing LOD | T | 1/8 between 4-5 | Sway(S) | Up
Man is making lane change to the other side of the Lady (lane 3). Do not bring Lady across you, Man makes lane change.
Stretch left side.
Q: RF back R side leading | Backing DW | TH | 1/8 between 5-6 | Sway(S) | Up. Lower e/o 6
Compress right side, leading Lady into swivel action. Rotate through the hip, arms keep rotating across the body to right (arms are still in front of body, not behind.)
S: LF back in CBMP, RF crosses in front without weight. End in PP | DW Toe turned in. End facing DC | TH with pressure on T of RF | 1/4 turn to R on 7 | Sway(S) | CBM | --
Keep head poised through diagonal. Diagonal shape is important, do not take head weight back.
S: RF fwd and across in PP and CBMP | Facing DC (moving to center) | HT | Sway(S) | CBM | Rise e/o 8
Q: LF diag fwd preparing to step OP L side leading | Facing DC | T | Sway(R) | Up
Use the leverage of R leg, swing left leg fwd ahead of body, closing the lady. Do not rotate Lady too far in upper body. Still keep an angle to come through for feather ending.
Q: RF fwd in CBMP, OP | Facing DC | TH | Sway(R) | Up. Lower e/o 10
S: LF fwd | Facing DC | H | Sway(S) | CBM
Note -- When the RF starts to move to cross in front on step 7, either the Heel or Toe may be in contact with the floor. It will finish with the Toe in contact with the floor and the Heel only slightly raised with the R leg almost straight.
The Weave from PP could follow step 7 in which case the aligment of the Weave from PP would be as in the Waltz Weave from PP.
When the Outside Swivel is danced at the side of the room to be followed by Feather Ending into Top Spin, 1/8 turn to R is made on step 7 and 8-10 will be taken DC against LOD. Weave from PP may also be danced following this underturned Outside Swivel, Man using the Basic Weave alignment. If dancing this underturned Outside Swivel at a corner steps 8-11 will be taken DC of new LOD. Follow as for Feather.
The Outside Swivel (steps 7-8) could be danced by checking OP on any Feather Movement taken DC and turning 1/4 to R. Follow --Silver--Feather Ending--Natural Turn (when danced as steps 4-6 above)--Natural Weave from PP--Gold--Curved Feather to Back Feather from PP--Natural Zig-Zag from PP
The Outside Swivel (steps 7-8) could also be danced by checking OP on any Feather taken DW without turn and followed as in the previous paragraph.
S: RF back | Backing DC | TH | start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | rise slightly e/o 1, NFR
Don't open head too early here, wait till end of next step Q.
Q: LF closes to RF (Heel Turn) | Facing DW | HT | 1/4 between 1-2 | Sway(R) | continue to rise on 2
Heel Turn is an abrupt, steep turn for Lady.
When turning left, the right side is the anchor point, left side stretch.
First part of turn is done through feet (base), feet turn more. Do not bring shoulders back too quickly.
Head is still L. Head slowly turns between end of this step and next Q. Don't open head too early, arrive on L leg first, wait for Man's lead to open head. Turn head slowly "milk it".
Q: RF diag fwd in PP | Facing DW | TH | -- | Sway(S) | Up. Lower e/o 3
Second part is to finish the turn with upper body.
Imagine always dancing forward.
Head turns to Promenade.
This completes the "Open Telemark" part of the figure. "Natural Turn" part only applies to Leader. Lady's steps are not Lady's Natural Turn steps.
S: LF fwd and across in PP and CBMP | Facing DW (moving to wall) | HT | -- | Sway(S) | Rise e/o 4
Very important for lady to finish behind Man on previous step. Then Lady's L leg should be behind Man's R leg and and should track Man's R leg movement forward, so it won't feel like Man is blocking Lady.
Allow Man to get ahead of you.
Left shoulder connects to left hip. Keep shaping to left.
Allow arms to swing across the body.
Then dance straight forward, follow the Man with upper body, legs are tracking straight.
Q: RF fwd, between partner's feet | Facing DW | T | -- | Sway(S) | Up.
Keep the shaping to left, allow R side body/shoulder go forward to Man. Swing R hip forward. Use standing leg to push, don't fall forward.
Head position changes to left. Leave head behind, send middle of body forward, finish head with more extension. Keeping the wound-up shape for next step.
Movement is smooth and continuous, no stopping.
One style is to keep slight R side lead through the Passing Natural.
Q: LF fwd preparing to step OP L side leading | Facing DW | TH | -- | Sway(S) | Up. Lower e/o 6
LF straight fwd. Relax into L knee/leg, head shaping leftward back, wind up for next swivel.
S: RF fwd in CBMP, OP. LF closes slightly back, without weight. End in PP | Facing DW. End facing DC against LOD, (sometimes more turn is done, ending traveling DC) | HTH and pressure on IE of T of LF | 1/2 to R on 7 | Sway(S) | CBM | --
This is the swivel. Bigger step, keep shoulder parallel, turn hips and head. The swivel action is purely happening underneath the body, do not turn the shoulders.
Shoulder should end parallel with Man with hips turned out more.
Hips and and feet are in same alignment.
S: LF fwd and across in PP and CBMP | Facing DC against LOD (moving to center) | HT | start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | Rise e/o 8
Keep behind Man's hip.
Q: RF to side and slightly back | Backing LOD | TH | 1/8 between 8-9 | Sway(L) | Up
Swing right side up and forward. Head back to left.
Feather finish through the base.
Q: LF back in CBMP | Backing DC | TH | 1/8 between 9-10, body turns less | Sway(L) | Up. NFR. Lower e/o 10
S: RF back | Backing DC | T | Sway(S) | CBM | --
Can follow with Basic Weave.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Open Telemark, Natural Turn, Outside Swivel and Feather Ending
Three Step (at corner)
Change Of Direction (at corner)
Hover Telemark (at corner)
Reverse Wave (at corner)
Weave from PP (after step 7)
Natural Zig-Zag from PP (after step 7)