Argentine Tango Lesson Notes

See Also:   Argentine Tango Embrace     Argentine Tango Walk     Argentine Tango Technique

Lesson Notes


 Lesson Notes - Leader's Perspective

- In embrace, we form V, looks a little like promenade position, except that lady is *not* behind me, her left side is on my right front.

- Always step in CBMP

- Last ocho is one moving to my right, for smooth exit

- Lead comes from pulling shoulder blades back. In certain figures, left hand is active in leading

- I need to brush my feet, my movement looks like crap

- In beginning of lesson, my arm was not far enough around, we were perhaps too square with each other. Looks like I am trying to do ballroom tango frame

- When I'm on lady's right, walking, she always crosses left in front of right. Last lesson, Miriam said on 4th step, this would be position 5 in salida

- Leonardo: always try to exit backward ochos on your right side

- I can exit back ochos either continuing with 8-step basic where I left off, or continue with baldosa ending

- Lady's left arm is always connected to my right upper arm

- Lady puts her left hand on my shoulder blade, so that she can know exactly where my weight is

- My hand is "always under her shoulder blades". Always under, not on top, because on top will tip her over toward me

- getting into v shape in embrace allows us to have close embrace. Not square to each other

- "Close embrace, a little distance for figures, close embrace again"

- When I rotate her, as in front ochos, I need to let my hand slide on her back

- When I am releasing her in right side, letting my hand slide, I am leading with tension on left hand, pulling back my left shoulder blade

- "Dont make her step, just send her leg out". I do this by lowering. We always want to showcase her leg before she steps.

- Lady communicates that she needs space (let arm slide) by rolling her shoulder

- 17:37 of recording

- Practice: Start like backward ocho, instead do boleo (whip), then bring lady around to mirror position, where my right leg and her left leg are extended forward together

- Start with backward ocho movement. When lady is going backward to my left, I have a little bounce action off my left foot, I do not collect my feet on the left, and I stop the lady's turn with my right shoulder blade, so that her leg keeps going and whips up.

- Then pulling back with right shoulder blade, lead lady to turn back so that she is facing to my left, leg extended, my right leg extended next to her left leg

- There seems to be implication that I am always pulling back on one shoulder blade or the other to turn the lady. "Everything happens because you are pulling here" - Miriam

- Now Miriam has said explicitly that I do a rock step to lead boleo

- Boleo is a matter timing, I have to cut off the movement in time before the lady starts to shift her weight. This connects to idea that I have to be intentional about lady stepping. 

- I step too far to lead boleo

- Leonardo puts his left heel down for boleo, but keeps foot up, and is sitting back on right leg.

- He says to create an "outer circle" with right side, don't pull lady towards me, pull her around in an outer circle

- Next practice move, out of first front ocho, bring lady to mirror position, have her extend her left leg, then I step with my right leg between her legs, and then when I have her transfer weight, use my left side to turn her to pivot to her left

- Another way, is to start like first half of ocho cortado, bring lady to mirror position, lead her to extend her leg forward, step between her legs, have her transfer weight, leading with my left side have her pivot, so that we change our direction by a quarter turn.

- Leonardo says that as we are leading the lady to pivot, we are "surrounding" her, sounds like "outer circle", but going to the left this time

- And as I "spiral" around her, I go up. 

- I was letting Jackie get behind me on step back after rebote, I need to turn my body towards her on that step

- They keep telling Jackie not to close too much on pivot, but I think I might have been closing her up

- When I do a rock step, Leonardo says to send her a little farther than I will go

- Less energy given to the step to do resolucion as opposed to rebote

- Have to learn to change the energy of my torso for her to understand what I am leading.

- Rocks and boleos are stronger lead, walks and ochos are softer lead

- My lead needs to go through her solar plexus, not through her shoulders

- On rock steps, should feel some elasticity, some rubber band effect. On the back rock step in the ocho cortado, provide tension in left hand, connected to left shoulder blade, to lead lady to do rock step, and not full step

- Always stepping CBMP

- I still put too much weight on leading leg on rock steps